Publisher =============== Influencer Ads ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add Site ```````````` 1. Login on 2. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites → Add Sites 3. Fill the form and Select AdType **Influencer/Affiliate Ads** 4. Click on Submit Button Send For Review `````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on **sitename** 3. Click on **Send For Review** Button Integration ````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on **sitename** 3. After Review integration steps will be display on details page 4. Follow steps to monetize your social pages and websites Desktop Ads ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add Site ```````````` 1. Login on 2. Goto API → Enable API Access 3. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites → Add Sites 4. Fill the form and Select AdType **Desktop Ads** 5. Click on Submit Button Send For Review ````````````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on **sitename** 3. Click on **Send For Review** Button Integration ```````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on site name 3. After Review integration steps will be display on details page 4. Follow steps to display ads on your websites Web Push Ads ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add Site `````````````` 1. Login on 2. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites → Add Sites 3. Fill the form and Select AdType **Web Push Notification Ads** 4. Click on Submit Button Send For Review ```````````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on **sitename** 3. Click on **Send For Review** Button Integration `````````````````````` 1. Goto Publisher → Manage Sites 2. Click on **site name** 3. After Review integration steps will be display on details page 4. Follow steps to start monetization of your subscribers Advertisers =================== Templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create Influencer Ads Templates ```````````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Templates → Add → Influencer Ads Template 2. Fill the Form 3. Click on Submit Button Create Desktop Ads Templates ``````````````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Templates → Add → Desktop Ads Template 2. Fill the Form 3. Click on Submit Button Create WebPush Ads Templates ````````````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Templates → Add → WebPush Ads Template 2. Fill the Form 3. Click on Submit Button Create CPL Page ``````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → CPL Page → Add New Page 2. Click on ** HTML5 Code ** and copy form code 3. Paste it in The CPL Page Form and Click The Submit Button Campaigns ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ** Prerequisite ** `Create Template `__ Create Influencer Ads Campaigns `````````````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Campaign → Create & send → Influencer Ads Campaign 2. Fill the Influencer Ads Campaign Form 3. Click on Submit Button Create Desktop Ads Campaigns ```````````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Campaign → Create & send → Desktop Ads Campaign 2. Fill the Desktop Ads Campaign Form 3. Click on Submit Button Send For Review `````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Campaign 2. Click on "campaignname" 3. Click on Send For Review Button :: After Campaign Review, You can run the campaign Run Campaign ```````````````````````````` 1. Goto Advertiser → Campaign 2. Click on "Campaignname" 3. Click on Run Campaign Button