FCM Setup Guide

Setup FCM

  • Login to the Firebase Console

  • Click on Create a Project Button

FCM Setup
  • Next, give a name to the project (eg. DMWEB ) and Click on Continue Button

FCM Setup FCM Setup
  • Enable Google Analytics and Click on Continue Button

FCM Setup
  • Select Google Analytics account and Click on Create Project Button

FCM Setup
  • Wait for few minutes to complete configuration

FCM Setup
  • Once you are inside the Project console, click on the gear icon next to Overview and then on Project settings

  • Now Click on web app icon

FCM Setup
  • Next, give a name to the webapp (eg. DMWEBAPP ) and uncheck firebase hosting

  • Click on Register APP Button

FCM Setup
  • Now Select Use a Script Tag in Add Firebase SDK Features

  • Copy and Paste firebase config Variable values

FCM Setup
  • Go To Project Settings and set enviornemnt type Production

FCM Setup

** Next GoTO Service Accounts and Click on Generate New Private Key Button

FCM Setup FCM Setup